Saturday, 21 December 2013

Feeling Low? Try these 10 Tips!

The other day I was feeling dejected and if you ask me the reason then I have no answer. Does it sometimes happen with you as well? When everything seems going smoothly and still you feel low. For a couple of hours, I was left like this. Then it started affecting my mood as well as the task I was indulged in. I thought and tried to figure out what exactly it was, but all in vain. 

However, later on I realized that it is just you get bored of following the same routine. Getting up unwillingly (as it's winters), ready up hurriedly, walk briskly to reach your destination and then strived hard to meet deadlines. What a race we are following! I decided that I could not deal with unhappy mood any more.

How did I retrieve my lively mood? Here are the things I tried:

  • I pondered over what is that making me dispirited. Remember, here you need to be honest without being biased to yourself.
  • Opened up my notebook and jotted down the facts to be happy about the day. Even the small ones!
  • It was Friday, so the weekend was approaching which means I would get good time to enjoy freedom (don’t get me wrong, obviously from office!) and love myself.
  • Made a list of must-haves that I was putting off due to lack of time (was it so or just an excuse, still unable to decide) and decided to shop coming weekend.
  • I encouraged myself to buck-up and accomplished my professional tasks on time. What a relief it was!
  • Being a diet-conscious person, I always try my best to refrain from junk food but that day I gave myself treat and savoured food of my choice. (with a promise to myself that won’t make it a habit)
  • I practiced good humour and cracked jokes (some of them were really poor) which in turn gave me an opportunity to laugh at heart
  • Called up one of my childhood friends whom I connect rarely but we still share the special bond of friendship. It made me relived those nostalgic days.
  • Remember all the gifts presented by my soul mate which transported me into a world of joy. Felt fortunate!
  • Read the points again and felt overwhelmed!
It took me hardly few minutes to jot down these tips and my sadness disappeared like a bubble. When I thought back, I smiled and could not help saying, "What a stupid I was?"


Saturday, 14 December 2013

Sonnet of Prayer

Let your world smile;
Making you agile!

When all the worries decline;
Make hay while the sun shines!

Your heart starts beating;
And your mind sets up repeating!

The euphoria continues forever;
And you face dejection never!

God bless you with peace;
And make you happy like honey-bees!

Dedicated to my Soul-mate 'Shishir'.......


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Why Change in Life is Necessary?

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you've come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” 

Does the above quote create ripples inside you? If yes, you are on right track."Change" is a word that conjures curiosity in our mind at once. It is one such term that can make you see the world with a different perspective. You must be thinking 'How'? Well, change is something which is not usually what we do. Be it our routine life, professional aspect or any other walk of life, change takes place everywhere. And if it does not, life starts losing its charm. 

Somebody has aptly said, "Change is the essence of life". We all need change in one or other way. For instance, we cannot keep growing as a child. We do not wish to have the same food everyday. Most of us do not even prefer to wear clothes that have been worn by a colleague, batch mate or a friend. Have you ever thought what if your food, dress and accessories remain some? Will it not be too boring for you?

Is it? If not, you can make it good.
Change in life is necessary to keep you lively. This is the change that keeps us enthusiastic about different scenarios of life. Then why are you dragging yourself to dilemma by not changing the situations that require doing so.

Why do we celebrate festivals? What if we start living without any merrymaking occasion? There will not be any reason to dress up vibrantly, flaunt your best accessories and meet the people whom you actually do not see for months. Change in life not only makes our mood light but it also evokes beautiful memories in our mind.

Besides these common situations in life, change is also necessary when it comes to life. Why do you stick with a job that deteriorates your mental satisfaction? Why do you enforce yourself to live in poky place where you actually do not wish to? Why you are not able to end up the relation that has been based on selfishness? May be now you will come up several Reasons for not doing so but these are actually Excuses. Not agree, think again!

Now if you really wish to make the world a better living place for you, only you are the one who has to initiate it. 
Without a tad of doubt, I can say that obstacles will be there but if you have firmly decided that you are going to change everything that lessens your will power, hurts your delicate heart and stops you from doing what you wish to do, nobody can stop you. Start with a small change in life today.

Enhance the joy of your life with a small 'Change'!


Monday, 7 October 2013

What Guarantees Happiness?

Everyone wants to be joyful in this world. No matter how, where and when. In this world of maddening crowd, financial aspirations, increasing stress and high expectations, we have almost forgotten to enjoy the bliss of life. Engaging ourselves in multitudes of tasks, creating our own ‘Busy’ world, we are lacking somewhere in finding true delight.

Let me ask you last time when you were happy. Was it on your birthday? Was it an outing with friends? Was it when you were rewarded with bonus or was it when you found your soul mate? Occasions may be unending but have you ever asked yourself what makes you happy. 

Why do you always need a reason to be happy? Why it doesn’t come naturally to you? The reason is very simple. We all seek happiness in delightful situations not deep within our heart. These ‘Joyful Appearing’ situations are momentary and that is why it leads to the happiness that disappears within no time.

Seeking happiness requires a right approach. Why can’t you remember that last time when you sat with family and had a heart to heart talk? Was it not delightful to drench in the rain that started when you were on the way? How could you forget the smile of that beggar whom you offered a rupee?

My friend, if you introspect things, you will come across plethora of reasons that delighted you. We have to kick the habit of finding happiness in temporary situations.

Happiness comes from your heart. Satisfaction of approaching someone in need makes you delightful. Living each and every moment with utmost joy keeps you happy. Dedication towards responsibilities, assigned to you by God brings you sheer peace and happiness.

Be thankful to God who has given you hundred reasons to smile!


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Do Expectations Really Hurt?

Since I was in my teenage, I have been harked with 'Expectations always hurt'. This small phrase has been actually chasing me till now when I am turned into a successful professional, very much contended with my life. But why I am never able to dismiss from my mind this phrase. Still trying to figure out is it true or just a way of how you look at the situation.

How many times we have heard people sharing that I have been cheated by my friend, spouse and loved-ones? Based on my experiences of life, I do not agree that actually we have been cheated by others. It is as simple as that the phrase suggests. Alas! Many of us still cling to the 'Feel good' factor by portraying ourselves great.

What makes you great? Is it your attitude, personality or nature? Well... to understand this, we have to do a self-analysis which many of us are not ready to do and even if some of us do so, we are not going to accept it genuinely. It is human tendency that everyone loves to hear self-praise despite knowing that "Self Praise is no recommendation".

Now the question arises how should we come out of the feeling of being called as "Great". Believe me it is not easy at all because the moment you try to do something without any expectation, your ego-amused mind will not let you be at ease. Now if you have been good to someone, soon after your expectation starts. And when it doesn't turn into reality, you start feeling perplexed. Why did it happen? How could this happen to me? When I have always thought of his betterment, how he could say ill-words to me and so on.....I am sure that many of us experience this in life.

To my surprise, it never ends. Even after spending years in enjoying your life and achieving great goals, if you come across a mere sight of that person, the "Doing-good for him" memories pervade your mind. I have made out a plan to overcome this ego-oriented thought of being good to others. Just do your good and let the future decide that the upcoming situation favors you or not.

One of my mentors has always insisted on one thing that if I am being good to someone....It simply means that nothing bad can happen to me. At that moment, I was not ready to accept this but later on I had the same experience and had to agree that if you are doing good...nothing can beat you and expectations will not hurt you. 

We just need to expand our horizon to view the things more clearly. That in-depth review of your perspective to look at things will bring you the awesome feeling that will only encourage you to keep doing your best without any concern of your expectations getting hurt.

Be good...Do good and Keep doing good!
