Since I was in my teenage, I have been harked with 'Expectations always
hurt'. This small phrase has
been actually chasing me till now when I am turned into a successful
professional, very much contended with my life. But why I am never able to dismiss
from my mind this phrase. Still trying to figure out is it true or just a way of how you look at the situation.
How many times we have heard people sharing that I have been
cheated by my friend, spouse and loved-ones? Based on my experiences of life, I
do not agree that actually we have been cheated by others. It is as simple as
that the phrase suggests. Alas! Many of us still cling to the 'Feel
good' factor by portraying ourselves great.
What makes you great? Is it your attitude, personality or
nature? Well... to understand this, we have to do a self-analysis which many of
us are not ready to do and even if some of us do so, we are not going to accept
it genuinely. It is human tendency that everyone loves to hear self-praise
despite knowing that "Self Praise is no recommendation".
Now the question arises how should we come out of the
feeling of being called as "Great". Believe me it is not easy at all because the
moment you try to do something without any expectation, your ego-amused mind
will not let you be at ease. Now if you have been good to someone, soon after
your expectation starts. And when it doesn't turn into reality, you start
feeling perplexed. Why did it happen? How could this happen to me? When I have
always thought of his betterment, how he could say ill-words to me and so
on.....I am sure that many of us experience this in life.
To my surprise, it never ends. Even after spending years in
enjoying your life and achieving great goals, if you come across a mere sight
of that person, the "Doing-good for him" memories pervade your mind. I
have made out a plan to overcome this ego-oriented thought of being good to
others. Just do your good and let the future decide that the upcoming situation
favors you or not.
One of my mentors has always insisted on one thing that if I am being good to someone....It simply means that nothing bad can happen to me. At that moment, I was not ready to accept this but later on I had the same experience and had to agree that if you are doing good...nothing can beat you and expectations will not hurt you.
One of my mentors has always insisted on one thing that if I am being good to someone....It simply means that nothing bad can happen to me. At that moment, I was not ready to accept this but later on I had the same experience and had to agree that if you are doing good...nothing can beat you and expectations will not hurt you.
We just need to expand our horizon to view the things more clearly. That in-depth review of your perspective to look at things will bring you the awesome feeling that will only encourage you to keep doing your best without any concern of your expectations getting hurt.
Be good...Do good and Keep doing good!