Obviously, you have met so many people till now and will be willing to meet millions of people in future. But among them, few people will remain unforgettable for you. These are the people, whom company you like and who fill your life with positive energy. You feel delighted to be around them.
Similarly, there are other people too with whom you feel down. They make you feel negative. Within minutes of the meeting, you find that you are trapped. It is because these people have negative vibes and they try to spread the same with people around.
Now the question arises, how to deal with such people! What to do to refrain away from them and remain unaffected with their negative vibes in our lives. The question is complicated but its answer is straight. First and foremost, you should recognize these people. Whenever you meet any new person then always pay attention to it how he makes you feel, what is your thought process while being around them.

Such people not only torture you mentally but also harm you physically. No matter what you try to please them or influence them, they can never be happy with you. They are with you till you suffice their needs.
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